Jus in: China, India and Russia released the vaccine for COVID19

It was reported lately that Wuhan in China has closed down the last coronal virus hospital so far there is no new cases reported, whereby over 50,000 people have been discharged from the hospital. This is as a result of restless effort of the medical practitionals all over China. More so, doctors in Indian have battled and succeeded in treating the cases of Corona virus. They implore the combination of different drugs like; Chlorophenamie, lopinavir, Retonavir, Oseltamivir. They intend to suggest the medicine globally in a short frame of time. It was also reported by the expert that, Italy hits the virus so hard because the country recorded the large numbers of old people. Isreal scientist are most likely to report the development of corrona virus vaccine and distribute it as soon as it is active. Also Canadian network are making a great research on the crisis and ways to facilitate the production of COVID19 vaccine. Stay safe and heed to the guidelines. P...